Chinese Verbs

How to Say “Agree” in Chinese? 同意 Tongyi and 赞成 Zancheng in Mandarin

Chinese Verbs – Agree | 同意 Tongyi, 赞成 Zancheng and 答应 Daying in Mandarin

Agree in Chinese is 同意 Tóngyì. However, it has another two secondary Chinese words which I would illustrate to show that they also mean Agree in Chinese.

They are 赞成 Zànchéng and 答应 Dāyìng. However, 答应 Dāyìng may have a limitation of use if you want to mean Agree in Chinese.

When you engage in a conversation, you want to tell others whether you agree or disagree with their point of view. Hence, the negation 不同意 Bù tóngyì is to Disagree in Chinese.

Chinese Adverbs + Agree and Disagree in Chinese

Before we start, let’s explore some Chinese Adverbs to express the degree of agreement, so you can tell others how far you accord with a statement.

Subject Pronoun + Chinese Adverbs + ()同意 + Information


Completely Agree完全同意Wán quán tóng yì
Strongly Agree非常同意Fēi cháng tóng yì
Very Much Agree很同意Hěn tóng yì
Agree同意Tóng yì
Somewhat Agree有点同意Yǒu diǎn tóng yì
Somewhat Disagree有点不同意Yǒu diǎn bù tóng yì
Don’t Really Agree不怎么同意Bù zě me tóng yì
Disagree不同意Bù tóng yì
Very much Disagree很不同意Hěn bù tóng yì
Strongly Disagree非常不同意Fēi cháng bù tóng yì
Completely Disagree完全不同意Wán quán bù tóng yì

In the table above, 同意 Tóngyì can also be replaced by赞成 Zànchéng but not with 答应 Dāyìng. You do not have to remember all the terms in the table above. Just remember a few of them, and you are good to go!

The sentence illustration below will use an example each from the table.

Agree in Chinese – 同意 Tongyi

I completely agree with your point of view. Corruption is detrimental to society.

Wǒ wán quán tóng yì nǐ de kàn fǎ. Tān wū shì duì shè huì bù lì de.

I strongly agree that a good education would bring a bright future.

Wǒ fēi cháng tóng yì hǎo de jiào yù huì dài lái wú xiàn de qián tú.

I very much agree with what you say.

Wǒ hěn tóng yì nǐ de shuō fǎ.

I agree to go with them together and ask for some clarification.

Wǒ tóng yì hé tā men yī qǐ qù wèn gè qīng chǔ.

I somewhat agree with your thinking. However, I still have some reservation.

Wǒ yǒu diǎn tóng yì nǐ de xiǎng fǎ. Bù guò, wǒ hái shì yǒu suǒ bǎo liú.

Disagree in Chinese – 不同意 Bu Tongyi

I somewhat disagree with what you say.

Wǒ yǒu diǎn bù tóng yì nǐ zhè me shuō.

I don’t really agree that you lend money to him. I am afraid that he would not return later.

Wǒ bù zě me tóng yì nǐ jiè qián gěi tā. Wǒ pà tā rì hòu bù huán.

If anybody disagrees, we will vote and decide.

Jiǎ rú yǒu rén bù tóng yì de huà, wǒ men tóu piào jué dìng.

I very much disagree with the company on such a policy.

Wǒ hěn bù tóng yì gōng sī rú cǐ de zhèng cè.

I strongly disagree with the way you do things. Very wrong.

Wǒ fēi cháng bù tóng yì nǐ zhè yàng de zuò fǎ. Hěn bù duì.

Why do you completely disagree with my opinion?

Nǐ wèi shé me wán quán bù tóng yì wǒ de guān diǎn ne?


Agree and Disagree in Chinese – 赞成 and 不赞成 | Zancheng and Bu Zancheng

赞成 Zànchéng is another word which is frequently used to say Agree in Chinese. It has another connotation of “Approve or In Favour Of”. 不赞成 Bù zànchéng is the negation. It can more or less replace the words 同意 Tóngyì and 不同意 Bù tóngyì above.

I agree with your suggestion which is helpful to my job.

Wǒ zàn chéng nǐ de jiàn yì, duì wǒ de gōng zuò hěn yǒu bāng zhù.

I agree with your thinking, different from other people.

Wǒ fēi cháng zàn chéng nǐ de xiǎng fǎ, hé bié rén bù yī yàng.

I very much disagree with the attitude that you treat your family members.

Wǒ hěn bù zàn chéng nǐ duì jiā rén de tài dù.

I don’t really agree that you buy this mobile’s brand. A lot of problems.

Wǒ bù zě me zàn chéng nǐ mǎi zhè ge pái zi de shǒu jī. Hěn duō wèn tí.

Agree and Disagree in Mandarin – 答应 and 不答应 | Daying and Bu Daying

答应 Dāyìng has a meaning closely associated with “Promise“. One such example – I promise you. 我答应你。 Wo daying ni.

The other meaning is “Approve“. But yes, it can also mean Agree in Chinese and not ”Promise or Approve“ anymore if you extend beyond the four Chinese characters and provide more information.

In summary, 答应 Dāyìng has a limitation of use and often goes with nouns correlated with “requests and suggestions” to mean Agree in Chinese.

I agree with your request.

Wǒ dā yìng nǐ de yāo qiú.

I chatted with him one whole day, he finally agreed.

Wǒ hé tā liáo le yī zhěng tiān, tā zuì zhōng dā yìng le.

I agree/promise to help you and definitely will do it.

Wǒ dā yìng bāng nǐ de máng, jiù yī dìng zuò dào.

I am not able to agree with your suggestion. Too many doubts.

Wǒ bù néng dā yìng nǐ de jiàn yì. Tài duō yí diǎn le.

I did not agree to work together with them.

Wǒ méi dā yìng yào hé tā men yī qǐ hé zuò.


If the use of 答应 Dāyìng is confusing to you, stick to the use of 同意 Tóngyì and 赞成 Zànchéng to say Agree in Chinese. You can refer to more sentence examples 答应 Dāyìng in How to Say “Promise” in Chinese along with a list of Chinese Verbs.


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