Chinese Verbs

How to Say “Let Me and Let” in Chinese? 让 Rang in Mandarin

Chinese Verbs – Let and Let Me | 让 Rang and 让我 Rang Wo in Mandarin

Let in Chinese is Ràng. It is also another way of saying Allow in Chinese and uses much more often in daily life as compared to its counterpart 允许 Yǔnxǔ, which is a more formal and polite form of asking and giving permission.

When one wants to express anger or forcefully in an unpleasant manner, we can also use  Ràng. An example would be “Let me in! 让我进去! Ràng wǒ jìnqù! Deploy the Chinese Verb like how you would use in English.

How to Say “Let’s Go” in Mandarin?

English sentences that begin with Let’s (which is a contracted word for “Let us“) may not necessarily use Ràng in spoken Mandarin or written Chinese sentences.

We would commonly omit 让 Ràng in a conversation as shown in the illustrated examples in a table below.

Let us go 让我们走吧 = Let’s go 我们走吧 in short.

Let’s + Verb (+ Information)
(让)我们 + Verb (+ Information)


Sentences starting with “Let’s” + Verb

The table below will give you an idea of how we transform a simple English sentence – Let in Chinese into three different ways of speaking. Depending on the familiarity you have with the other party, the columns will reflect the Chinese phrases from casual, standard to a polite way of saying it.

Let’s go!走吧!我们走吧!让我们走吧!Ràng wǒmen zǒu ba!
Let’s (start) eat(ing)!吃吧!我们吃吧!让我们 (开始) 吃吧!Ràng wǒmen (kāishǐ) chī ba!
Let’s begin!开始吧!我们开始吧!让我们开始吧!Ràng wǒmen kāishǐ ba!
Let’s wait!等等吧!我们等等吧!让我们等等吧!Ràng wǒmen děng děng ba!
Let’s try!试试吧我们试试吧!让我们试试吧!Ràng wǒmen shì shì ba!
Let’s go up!上去吧!我们上去吧!让我们上去吧!Ràng wǒmen shàngqù ba!
Let’s sleep!睡吧!我们睡吧!让我们睡觉吧!Ràng wǒmen shuìjiào ba!

Unfortunately, not all Chinese Verbs can be formed with the third category – 让 Ràng as the meaning can be ambiguous or do not make sense. Moreover, some sentences can sound like a plea instead since 让 Ràng also means “allow – seeking permission”.

That is to say that the third column of the Chinese phrases can both denote:

Situation 1: Let’s do something together.

  • (Let’s eat! 让我们(开始)吃吧! Ràng wǒmen (kāishǐ) chī ba!)

Situation 2: Please let/allow us to do something.

  • (Please let us eat! 让我们吃吧! Ràng wǒmen chī ba!)

The exact definition will depend on the actual circumstance in which the Chinese sentence represents Situation 1 or 2. Therefore, the first two Chinese columns get straight to the point but slightly less formal than the third column.

The use of Ba is to soften the authoritarian tone of the Chinese phrases, notably when you use the imperative sentences (Go in!) which can sound harsh and abrupt without the Ba at the end of the sentences.

Let me in Chinese – 让我 Rang Wo

You can use Let in Chinese 让 Ràng in almost any circumstances be it a polite or a non-polite situation like English. Use an exclamation mark to express emotional tones in a sentence.

It is also optional to use  Ba at the end of the sentence like the illustration above. For sentences expressing pleading, add  Ba for a more convincing and dramatic effect. (PS: I am not joking.)

Let me + Verb (+ Information)
让我 + Chinese Verb (+ Information)


Let me enter. Let me get out.

Ràng wǒ jìn qù. Ràng wǒ chū qù.

Let me go up. Let me go down.

Ràng wǒ shàng qù. Ràng wǒ xià qù.

Let me go and buy things first.

Ràng wǒ xiān qù mǎi dōng xī ba.

Let me say first.

Ràng wǒ xiān shuō.

Let me have some silence, please. / Let me stay calm for a while.

让我静一下。/ 让我冷静一下。
Ràng wǒ jìng yī xià. / Ràng wǒ lěng jìng yī xià.

Let me help you solve your problem. Let’s hear about it.

Ràng wǒ bāng nǐ jiě jué wèn tí. Shuō lái tīng tīng.

Let me do it.

让我来。/ 让我来做。
Ràng wǒ lái. / Ràng wǒ lái zuò.

Let me go. Let me go and do it. (Let me go -> Do not mistake it for “release me” in this English sentence.)

让我去。/ 让我去做。
Ràng wǒ qù. / Ràng wǒ qù zuò.

Let me go (leave – in an emotional way).

Ràng wǒ zǒu.


You can relate the last sentence above to “release me” and let me go/leave. “Release” does not mean “capture and release” here. It is usually not in a pleasant situation when one uses this phrase. Example of use would be emotional unhappiness after a quarrel or breakup, pleading someone to let you go.

Let in Chinese – 让 Rang

You can add Qǐng or 请你 Qǐng nǐ at the start of the sentences to make the request sound more polite for Let in Chinese.

Please let us go in.

Qǐng ràng wǒ men jìn qù.

Please let Mr Chen know about this matter immediately.

Qǐng nǐ mǎ shàng ràng chén xiān shēng zhī dào zhè jiàn shì.

I let you go first. I will be there later.

Wǒ ràng nǐ xiān zǒu. Wǒ suí hòu jiù dào.

Sorry, please move aside. Thank you.

Bù hǎo yì si. Qǐng nǐ ràng kāi yī xià. Xiè xiè.

Why are we not allow to bring in our handphone?

Wèi shén me bù ràng wǒ men dài shǒu jī jìn qù?

Let me introduce my friends. / Let me introduce my friends for you to know.

让我来介绍一下我的朋友。/让我介绍 (一下) 我的朋友给你认识。
Ràng wǒ lái jiè shào yī xià wǒ de péng yǒu. / Ràng wǒ jiè shào (yī xià) wǒ de péng yǒu gěi nǐ rèn shì.

I am not able to let you do this. / I cannot let you do this.

我不能让你这么做。/ 我不可以让你这么做。
Wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ zhè me zuò. / Wǒ bù kě yǐ ràng nǐ zhè me zuò.

I did not let you get disappointed. I finally did it!

Wǒ méi ràng nǐ shī wàng! Wǒ zhōng yú zuò dào le!


Now you know how to make Chinese sentences with Let in Chinese. You can also learn how to use the more polite form of Allow in Chinese with 允许 Yǔnxǔ.


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