Chinese Number Practice Test
How good are your Chinese numbers now? Get ready a pen and paper to test your knowledge with Chinese ordinal numbers listening exercises quiz.
Choose from 2 to 5 digits. One set of audio consists of 5 or 10 Mandarin numbers practice. There are a total of 50 audio clips to test your knowledge of the ordinal number. For the answers, scroll below and revealed them in tabs.
If you do not score too well on the first attempt, read up and practice your listening skill from Counting in Chinese Numbers from 1 to 100 and beyond. The most tricky part is identifying the number two in Chinese and how to say them correctly as there are two ways to pronounce it.
Note: If the first digit of the numbers is not heard or being cut-off abruptly, please replay the audio clips to detect the first digit of the Chinese numbers test again.
Chinese Number Practice: Mandarin Numbers in Tens and Single Digit
1. | 5 Numbers (2 Digits) | 五个号码(两位数字) |
2. | 5 Numbers (2 Digits) | 五个号码(两位数字) |
3. | 5 Numbers (2 Digits) | 五个号码(两位数字) |
4. | 5 Numbers (2 Digits) | 五个号码(两位数字) |
5. | 5 Numbers (2 Digits) | 五个号码(两位数字) |
6. | 10 Numbers (1 or 2 Digits) | 十个号码(一或两位数字) |
7. | 10 Numbers (1 or 2 Digits) | 十个号码(一或两位数字) |
8. | 10 Numbers (1 or 2 Digits) | 十个号码(一或两位数字) |
9. | 10 Numbers (1 or 2 Digits) | 十个号码(一或两位数字) |
10. | 10 Numbers (1 or 2 Digits) | 十个号码(一或两位数字) |
Chinese Numbers Practice: Hundreds
11. | 5 Numbers (3 Digits) | 五个号码(三位数字) |
12. | 5 Numbers (3 Digits) | 五个号码(三位数字) |
13. | 5 Numbers (3 Digits) | 五个号码(三位数字) |
14. | 5 Numbers (3 Digits) | 五个号码(三位数字) |
15. | 5 Numbers (3 Digits) | 五个号码(三位数字) |
16. | 10 Numbers (3 Digits) | 十个号码(三位数字) |
17. | 10 Numbers (3 Digits) | 十个号码(三位数字) |
18. | 10 Numbers (3 Digits) | 十个号码(三位数字) |
19. | 10 Numbers (3 Digits) | 十个号码(三位数字) |
20. | 10 Numbers (3 Digits) | 十个号码(三位数字) |
Chinese Number Test: Thousands
21. | 5 Numbers (4 Digits) | 五个号码(四位数字) |
22. | 5 Numbers (4 Digits) | 五个号码(四位数字) |
23. | 5 Numbers (4 Digits) | 五个号码(四位数字) |
24. | 5 Numbers (4 Digits) | 五个号码(四位数字) |
25. | 5 Numbers (4 Digits) | 五个号码(四位数字) |
26. | 10 Numbers (4 Digits) | 十个号码(四位数字) |
27. | 10 Numbers (4 Digits) | 十个号码(四位数字) |
28. | 10 Numbers (4 Digits) | 十个号码(四位数字) |
29. | 10 Numbers (4 Digits) | 十个号码(四位数字) |
30. | 10 Numbers (4 Digits) | 十个号码(四位数字) |
Chinese Numbers Test: Tens of Thousands
31. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
32. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
33. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
34. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
35. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
36. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
37. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
38. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
39. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
40. | 5 Numbers (5 Digits) | 五个号码(五位数字) |
Chinese Numbers Quiz: All Above
41. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
42. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
43. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
44. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
45. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
46. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
47. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
48. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
49. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
50. | 10 Numbers (Mixed) | 十个号码(综合以上全部) |
Answers: Practice Chinese Numbers Exercise
No. 1 - 5: Tens (5)
1. | 25,30,58,76,91 |
2. | 08,11,29,83,65 |
3. | 99,53,06,44,20 |
4. | 74,00,15,32,66 |
5. | 94,23,68,77,01 |
No. 6 - 10: Tens (10)
6. | 1,3,5,7,9,24,62,79,86,90 |
7. | 8,6,12,26,38,43,52,69,71,4 |
8. | 42,84,21,59,02,67,13,87,33,08 |
9. | 14,40,28,72,55,93,39,87,66,2 |
10. | 63,17,54,41,92,35,88,10,75,22 |
No. 11 - 15: Hundreds (5)
11. | 101, 232, 588, 765, 930 |
12. | 210, 493, 601, 815, 987 |
13. | 440, 222, 731, 113, 995 |
14. | 833, 392, 509, 270, 124 |
15. | 914, 537, 202, 781, 316 |
No. 16 - 20: Hundreds (10)
16. | 333, 110, 436, 802, 766, 670, 297, 894, 277, 501 |
17. | 600, 482, 955, 117, 875, 737, 270, 553, 345, 007 |
18. | 746, 268, 932, 309, 860, 444, 137, 551, 189, 200 |
19. | 831, 180, 314, 701, 942, 549, 111, 632, 246, 468 |
20. | 507, 250, 119, 814, 799, 426, 943, 300, 888, 695 |
No. 21 - 25: Thousands (5)
21. | 1234,5678,8472,3344,9059 |
22. | 6298,7011,8582,1792,3009 |
23. | 5320,6491,1970,8342,2942 |
24. | 7824,3521,4404,1827,8938 |
25. | 1001,7876,2222,4523,3107 |
No. 26 - 30: Thousands (10)
26. | 2990,5128,6633,9999,3474,4592,1121,7600,8668,3775 |
27. | 9012,2976,3013,8912,4891,6390,7237,4014,5501,1000 |
28. | 5687,6237,1990,5204,4926,6309,2066,4510,3838,9185 |
29. | 4969,2983,1088,7312,9376,5099,6200,2309,3755,1010 |
30. | 8801,7899,3728,2044,6092,6794,1818,9227,4393,3045 |
No. 31 - 35: Tens of Thousands (5)
31. | 10011, 22222, 34787, 48890, 58656 |
32. | 61345, 75691, 82275, 91890, 10752 |
33. | 89337, 68902, 42825, 35894, 71095 |
34. | 27209, 19806, 55900, 98944, 60782 |
35. | 36983, 49012, 80127, 74583, 18665 |
No. 36 - 40: Tens of Thousands (5)
36. | 69855, 93782, 24088, 50020, 38735 |
37. | 93761, 86610, 73904, 41552, 17726 |
38. | 79762, 10900, 51773, 66894, 32106 |
39. | 45513, 84672, 98105, 28723, 53017 |
40. | 59188, 67670, 19001, 70345, 33228 |
No. 41 - 45: All Numbers (10)
41. | 110, 100, 11, 87, 646, 912, 4908, 2987, 5, 12789 |
42. | 9, 17, 69, 709, 382, 04, 2899, 4027, 28, 29225 |
43. | 33, 81, 428, 695, 5130, 8, 34994, 7925, 92, 03 |
44. | 688, 6777, 2, 200, 42673,15, 3972, 409, 08, 336 |
45. | 53399, 04, 82, 250, 3986, 431, 9813, 7, 6960, 23 |
No. 46 - 50: All Numbers (10)
46. | 40, 14, 60016, 88, 150, 722, 2591, 8237, 09, 707 |
47. | 76124, 3, 90, 847, 6355, 49, 312, 9962, 01 |
48. | 1002, 7260, 05, 83367, 31, 475, 578, 52072, 66, 01 |
49. | 899, 645, 06, 50, 2562, 5019, 5, 76, 96334, 20001 |
50. | 10, 944, 2024, 18726, 6998, 7129, 09, 40010, 18, 88888 |
How is your first attempt? If you like the Chinese number practice audio test, do share the page with others so they can try and have a test as well!
In the next lesson, how do we use the Chinese Ordinal Numbers position to say first, second, third in placement with the Chinese word 第 Dì? I’ll give you more than three examples, I promise!