Chinese Colors in Mandarin: How to Say in Chinese
Chinese colors are often used in Mandarin than English or perhaps, more than any other languages. The Chinese language not only uses color as an adjective to describe the object but also incorporate them into our everyday life as meaningful Chinese proverbs, idioms or common saying.
Today, we will only introduce you the names of the colors in Chinese as a foundation, so you know how to describe them at an elementary level. Once you know the names of most primary Chinese colors, you can start giving a more descriptive sentence and even praise your friends for wearing a particular colour that suits them!
Rainbow Colors in Chinese
Rainbow has how many colors? What are the colors?
彩虹有几种颜色? 它有什么颜色?
Cǎi hóng yǒu jǐ zhǒng yán sè? Tā yǒu shé me yán sè?
Rainbow has seven colors. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet respectively.
Cǎi hóng yǒu qī zhǒng yán sè. Tā men fēn bié shì hóng, chéng, huáng, lǜ, lán, diàn hé zǐ.
Chinese Colors Vocabulary
Chinese Color Terms
Color | 色,色彩, 颜色 | Sè, Sè cǎi, Yán sè |
Dark Color | 深色 | Shēn sè |
Light Color | 浅色 | Qiǎn sè |
Warm Color | 暖色 | Nuǎn sè xì |
Cool Color | 冷色 | Lěng sè xì |
Neutral Color | 中性色 | Zhōng xìng sè xì |
Series | 系,系列 | Xì, Xì liè, |
Primary Color | 主色 | Zhǔ sè |
Secondary Color | 辅色 | Fǔ sè |
Color Matching / Combination | 色彩搭配 | Sè cǎi dā pèi |
Bright Color | 鲜艳的颜色 | Xiān yàn de yán sè |
Dull Color | 暗淡的颜色 | Àn dàn de yán sè |
Colorful | 五颜六色,七彩缤纷,色彩鲜艳,色彩丰富,富有色彩 | Wǔ yán liù sè, Qī cǎi bīn fēn, Sè cǎi xiān yàn, Sè cǎi fēng fù, Fù yǒu sè cǎi |
Other Chinese Colors
White Color | 白色 | Bái sè |
Black Color | 黑色 | Hēi sè |
Grey Color | 灰色 | Huī sè |
Gold Color | 金色 | Jīn sè |
Silver Color | 银色 | Yín sè |
Bronze Color | 铜色 | Tóng sè |
Brown Color | 棕色 | Zōng sè |
Coffee Color | 咖啡色 | Kā fēi sè |
Nude Color | 肉色 | Ròu sè |
Pink Color | 粉色, 粉红色 | Fěn sè, Fěn hóng sè |
Vocabulary Associated with Chinese Colors
Here are some Chinese Vocabulary frequently associated with various colors in our daily life. We will apply these terms below together with the use of the Chinese Colors to form some sentences.
What colour | 什么颜色 | Shén me Yán sè |
Like | 喜欢 | Xǐ huān |
Wear | 穿 | Chuān |
Clothes | 衣服 | Yī fú |
Rather, Relatively (Comparative) | 比较,较 | Bǐ jiào, Jiào |
Suitable, Fit | 适合 | Shì hé |
More suitable | 比较适合 | Bǐ jiào shì hé |
Less suitable | 比较不适合 | Bǐ jiào bù shì hé |
Most (Superlative) | 最 | Zuì |
Represent | 代表 | Dài biǎo |
Describing Your Color
It can be monotonous to describe the colors as they are without having some adjectives. Sometimes, you want to provide more information about the type of colors that you have. For instance,
- Dark blue color | 深蓝色 | shēn lán sè or
- Light green color | 浅绿色 | qiǎn lǜ sè.
Light 浅 Qiǎn + Color
Blue and yellow equal what colour?
Blue and yellow equal to green colour.
Lán sè jiā huáng sè děng yú shén me yán sè?
Lán sè jiā huáng sè děng yú lǜ sè.
Neutral color series include which colors?
Neutral color series refers to black, white, grey – three colors.
中性色系就是指黑、白、灰, 三种颜色。
Zhōng xìng sè xì bāo kuò shén me yán sè?
Zhōng xìng sè xì jiù shì zhǐ hēi, bái, huī, sān zhǒng yán sè.
Chinese Adjectives with colours
We can use Chinese colors as an adjective for a noun with the use of 的|de in between them.
Color + 的 de + Noun
Why do the Chinese people prefer red things?
Wèi shé me huárén bǐ jiào xǐ huān hóng sè de dōng xī?
Because most Chinese people feel that red color represents auspicious and good luck. Especially during the Lunar Chinese New Year and marriage, we like to use red as the primary color.
Yīn wéi dà duō shù huá rén dōu rèn wéi hóng sè dài biǎo jí lì hé hǎo yùn. Yóu qí shì zài huá rén nóng lì xīn nián hé jié hūn de shí hòu, wǒ men dōu xǐ huān yǐ hóng sè wéi zhǔ sè.
People with darker skin are more suitable to dye what hair color?
Pí fū jiào hēi de rén shì hé rǎn shén me yán sè de tóu fǎ?
I am also not sure. I have no research on color matching.
Wǒ yě bù qīng chǔ. Wǒ duì yán sè dā pèi méi yǒu yán jiū.
What colour combination is suitable for me?
Shén me yán sè dā pèi bǐ jiào shì hé wǒ?
I think that you are more suitable to wear a yellow top with dark grey jeans. Perfect color combination!
Wǒ jué dé nǐ bǐ jiào shì hé chuān huáng sè de shàng yī pèi shēn huī sè de niú zǎi kù. Wán měi de yán sè zǔ hé!
Chinese Colours Associated with Dressing and Clothes
Discussing and giving advice on the colours of clothes is always a great way to break the ice and practise your Mandarin.
What do you think of my dressing today?
Nǐ jué dé wǒ jīn tiān de chuān zhuó rú hé?
Wearing bright colored clothes can make a person look more energetic.
Chuān xiān yàn yán sè de yī fú huì shǐ yī gè rén kàn qǐ lái bǐ jiào yǒu jīng shén.
Most lawyers wear a white shirt and a black jacket.
Dà duō shǔ de lǜ shī dōu chuān bái sè de chèn shān hé hēi sè de wài tào.
Women who wear black seem more mysterious. Wearing red represents sexiness.
Nǚ rén chuān hēi sè de yī fú kàn qǐ lái bǐ jiào yǒu shén mì gǎn. Chuān hóng sè dài biǎo xìng gǎn.
You look great when you wear this color of clothes!
Nǐ chuān zhè ge yán sè de yī fú hěn hǎo kàn!
For the last example above, give your classmate, friend or colleague a praise Chinese language the next time when you think that they look great in some colors.
Other Examples of Colors in Chinese
I want to use a warm color series to decorate my new house. What you do you think? But, my children prefer cool color series.
Wǒ xiǎng yǐ wēn sè xì de yán sè bù zhì wǒ de xīn jiā. Nǐ jué dé rú hé? Kě shì, wǒ de hái zimen bǐ jiào xǐ huān lěng sè xì de yán sè.
(What do you think) What color of mobile looks nicer? The pink one or the light blue one?
Nǐ jué dé shén me yǎn sè de shǒu jī bǐ jiào hǎo kàn? Fěn hóng sè de hái shì qiǎn lán sè de?
During the Christmas period, the street is hung with colorful lights. How enchanting!
Zài shèng dàn jié qí jiān, jiē shàng guà mǎn zhe wǔ yán liù sè de dēng guāng. Hǎo mí rén a!
Today, the sky is very bluish, most suited for photo-taking.
Jīn tiān de tiān kōng hǎo lán, zuì shì hé pāi zhào.
The sky is grey and cloudy. It is going to rain soon.
Tiān huī huī, yún hěn duō, kuài yào xià yǔ le.
Two Chinese Colors Advice
To end this lesson, I have two interesting sentences about colors in Mandarin. The first is a Chinese Saying. The second one, you have to comprehend yourself for the Chinese adjective.
As the (Chinese) saying goes, “wearing coloured glasses” means “having a prejudice against others”.
俗语说: “带着有色眼镜看人”,就是指对别人有偏见。
Súyǔ shuō: “Dài zhe yǒu sè yǎn jìng kàn rén” jiù shì zhǐ duì bié rén yǒu piān jiàn.
Please do not wear coloured glasses to look at me. I am not such a person.
Qǐng nǐ bù yào dài zhe yǒu sè yǎn jìng kàn wǒ. Wǒ bù shì zhè yàng de rén.
Whatever color is fine. (But) men cannot be lustful. (好色 literal translation is “good color”)
Shén me yán sè dōu xíng. Nán rén hào sè jiù bù xíng.
There are tons of interesting Chinese Proverbs with colours. I guess I have to leave the writing for the future.